ACES: Airport Customer Experience Specialist


The Airport Customer Experience Specialist course is an introductory level course that provides students with foundational knowledge on how to design, build and implement a customer experience strategy for your airport.

This designation is required in all levels of the ACI Customer Experience Accreditation program.

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Be prepared to accompany the airport towards customer experience accreditation.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of a customer experience professional involved in customer experience management.
  • Contribute to a customer experience program.
  • Understand the concepts behind the eight (8) domains of the airport customer experience model.

Who Should Enrol?

  • Airport Customer Service and/or Operations Directors, Managers, Officers, and Staff.
  • Airport Marketing and Commercial Managers and Staff.
  • Airport Public Affairs and Communications Directors, Managers, and Staff.
  • Airport Security Managers, Supervisors, and Staff.
  • Supervisory and Managerial Airport Staff who have external and/or internal customers.

Course Content

The Airport Customer Experience Specialist courses consist of the following seven modules.

Introduction to Customer Experience Management

  • What is Customer Experience Management and why is it so important?
  • The ACI Airport Customer Experience Accreditation program.
  • Key success factors for managing customer experience in airports. 
  • Programs, services, and resources offered by ACI to help airports better manage customer experience.

In the Customer’s Shoes

  • The importance of putting yourself in the customer’s shoes when managing customer experience.
  • Gathering and sharing Voice of the Customer (VoC) information, developing segments and personas, and conducting customer journey mapping.

Customer Research and Data Analysis

  • Key steps in the research process.
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods. 
  • Generating insights from data to inform the airport’s customer experience management program.

Customer Experience Strategy

  • The role of customer experience in the strategy and branding of an airport.
  • Key components of a customer experience strategy and their importance.
  • Defining and implementing a customer experience strategy.

Service Improvement and Design

  • Operational improvements that improve service quality.
  • Designing new experiences to deliver the brand promise.
  • How to build and follow a customer experience plan.

Customer Experience Indicators and Dashboard

  • Selecting customer experience indicators.
  • What a customer experience dashboard is and how to build and customize one for your airport. 

Customer Experience Culture

  • The importance of building a customer experience culture.
  • Levers to increase employee engagement.
  • Developing strong governance to drive customer experience.


This course includes an integrated online assessment.

Candidates must successfully complete the assessment to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Course info

  • Level: Certificate
  • Duration: 14 Hours
  • Language: English
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$945.00 CAD