TP312 5th Edition Training Program


The TP312 5th Edition Training Program will assist participants to become familiar with TP312 5th Edition and provide them with the knowledge and skills to successfully navigate the document thereby enabling them to achieve and maintain airport certification.

The TP312 5th Edition Training Program is designed as a guided self-study program containing course material that covers key areas within each section of the TP312 document.

Participants will be required to navigate through the TP312 document throughout the program and apply their knowledge in order to solve sample problems and successfully answer assessment questions.

The TP312 5th Edition Training Program consists of eighteen modules arranged into seven courses.

The first course, Essential Information, is a mandatory pre-requisite course and must be completed first by all participants.

To receive a Certificate of Completion for the entire TP312 5th Edition Training Program participants must successfully complete all seven courses.

Learning Objectives

On completion of the TP312 5th Edition Training program you will be able to:

  • Understand the regulatory structure which leads to TP312 5th Edition
  • Explain the shift from a design-based concept under the previous editions of TP312 to an operational concept in TP312 5th Edition
  • Understand the requirement to be more knowledgeable of the aircraft operations occurring at your airport
  • Apply the Aircraft Group Number as it relates to your airport
  • Navigate the TP312 5th Edition document when determining the application of a specific standard as it relates to your airport
  • Apply the concepts in TP312 5th Edition document to practical situations relative to your airport
  • Navigate the Transport Canada Online Reference Centre to more readily access regulatory and advisory material relative to your airport

TP312 Course 1 – Essential Information

Essential Information is mandatory for all participants and must be the first course taken in the TP312 5th edition training program whether taken alone or with one or more other courses.

Essential Information consists of the following five online modules:

1.  Introduction to TP312

This introductory module will provide you with an overview of the content and learning objectives to be covered in the TP312 5th Edition Training Program and explain the program methodology.

We will also provide some background information regarding aerodrome certification in Canada leading up to the introduction of TP312 5th Edition.

2.  Civil Aviation Reference Centre

This module will explain how to access and utilize Transport Canada’s Civil Aviation Reference Centre.

3.  Related Advisory Circulars

This module will explore advisory circulars relevant to TP312 5th Edition.

4.  Key Concepts and Chapter 1: Definitions

This module will introduce the key concepts associated with 5th Edition and look at some definitions contained in Chapter 1 of TP312.

5.  Chapter 1: Aircraft Group Number

This module will explore the concept of an Aircraft Group Number (AGN).

TP312 Course 2 – Aerodrome Data and Physical Characteristics

Aerodrome Data and Physical Characteristics consists of the following three online modules:

1.  Chapter 2: Aerodrome Data

This module will discuss the various aerodrome data that are published in aeronautical publications. As well as definitions, the data include such things as geographic data, declared distances, ICAO Type A charts, pavement strength and condition of the movement area.

2.  Chapter 3: Physical Characteristics (Runways)

This module will explain how the aircraft group number tables (introduced in Module 5) are used to determine runway widths and slopes and the length and width of runway strips.

Runway safety area, runway end safety area, stopways and turn pads will be discussed in terms of application, location and characteristics.

3.  Chapter 3: Physical Characteristics (Taxiways)

This module describes how aircraft group number tables are used to determine the dimensions of taxiways and taxiway strips.

We will also look at taxiway minimum separation distances, taxiway safety area, holding bays and runway-holding positions.

TP312 Course 3 – Obstacle Management

Obstacle Management consists of the following two online modules:

1.  Chapter 4: Obstacle Management (OLS and POFZ)

This module explores obstacle management and introduces obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) and precision obstacle free zone (POFZ).

2.  Chapter 4: Obstacle Management (OIS and Clearway)

This module continues with obstacle management and introduces obstacle identification surfaces (OIS) and clearway.

TP312 Course 4 – Visual Aids: Markings and Markers

Visual Aids: Markings and Markers consists of the following two online modules:

1.  Chapter 5: Visual Aids (Markings)

This module describes the various markings a pilot may see from the time the runway is visible on the approach to landing until the aircraft is parked at the gate.

2.  Chapter 5: Visual Aids (Markers)

This module describes markers including their purpose and use.

TP312 Course 5 – Visual Aids: Lighting and Signs

Visual Aids: Lighting and Signs consists of the following two online modules:

1.  Chapter 5: Visual Aids (Lighting)

This module describes the various lights a pilot may see from the time the runway is visible on the approach until the aircraft is parked at the gate.

The myriad of lights are discussed in terms of application, location and characteristics.

2.  Chapter 5: Visual Aids (Signs)

This module discusses each type of sign in terms of application, location and characteristics.

TP312 Course 6 – Visual Aids: Operations and Maintenance

Visual Aids: Operations and Maintenance consists of the following three online modules:

1.  Chapter 6: Marking and Lighting of Objects

This module discusses the requirement to mark and/or light objects on the movement area that may pose a hazard to aircraft.

The module also discusses which objects must be marked and the methods used to mark them.

2.  Chapter 8: Aerodrome Lighting System Design – Operations

This module explores secondary power supply, lighting circuit design and the operation and control of lighting systems, aerodrome vehicle operation and low/reduced visibility operations plans.

3.  Chapter 9: Aerodrome Maintenance

This module covers the final chapter of the standard and provides limited information concerning general maintenance, pavement maintenance, winter maintenance and introduces a lighting serviceability table.

TP312 Course 7 – TP312 5th Edition Program Assessment

Course 7 – TP312 5th Edition Program Assessment will test the candidates ability to navigate the various chapters of TP312 5th Edition to find the information required to solve a series of questions presented in six scenarios.


Each module in the program includes an integrated online assessment. Candidates must successfully complete the assessment to receive a Certificate of Completion for each module.

To receive a Certificate of Completion for the entire TP312 5th Edition Training Program participants must successfully complete all seven courses.

Course info

  • Language: English
  • Duration: 17.5 Hours
  • Level: Certificate
0 out of 5

$895.00 CAD