Certificate in Airport Security


The ACI Certificate in Airport Security provides participants with an understanding of the role of the airport in aviation security. Through exploring key security concepts and best practices, this course also supports participants to identify mitigation measures that are appropriate to their own airport’s threat environment.


On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Have a deeper understanding of the current security measures and technologies employed at airports globally
  • Understand legislation and recommended practices relevant to airport security
  • Recognise best practice for airport and airline security programmes and security committees
  • Select methods of risk assessment and mitigation that are most appropriate for their airport environment
  • Understand how to promote and maintain a positive security culture across their airport
  • Understand the requirements and options for security training
  • Describe additional screening techniques that can be used at airports
  • Understand the requirements for effective quality control and management systems
  • Analyze the appropriateness of different methods for conducting security audits and inspections
  • Understand best practice for responding to security incidents

Who should enrol?

  • Airport Security Managers
  • Airport Security Committee Members
  • Airport managers, supervisors or personnel with security responsibilities
  • Anyone interested in a career in airport security
  • Suppliers and service providers with security responsibilities at an airport (e.g. airport security providers, ground handlers etc.)

Course Content

The ACI Certificate in Airport Security consists of the following nine modules:

1. Introduction to Aviation Security
2. Basic Security Measures
3. The Structure of Aviation Security
4. Understanding Threat and Risk Assessment
5. Security Technologies and their Capabilities
6. Human Factors, Security Culture and Training
7. Additional Screening Techniques
8. Quality Assurance and Quality Management
9. Security Incident and Response


This training course includes an integrated online learning review.  Candidates must successfully complete the learning review to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Course info

  • Language: English
  • Duration: 10 Hours
  • Level: Certificate
0 out of 5

$895.00 CAD
