Airside Safety Training


This Airside Safety course is designed to familiarise participants with the unique nature of the Airside, the various roles and responsibilities required to maintain a high level of safety, the major elements of airside safety and some of the common hazards that they may encounter.

Please note – this course is also available in French.

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the airport as an operational system.
  • Explain the various stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities with regards to airside safety.
  • Recognize important elements of airside safety required to operate in a safe manner.
  • Identify the key hazards that they may encounter on the airside and how to approach them safely.

Who Should Enrol?

  • All new employees that require initial safety training as part of their induction process.
  • Existing employees that require initial or recurrent safety training.
  • Personnel from airport stakeholders and service providers that operate at the airport.
  • Airport managers, supervisors or personnel with operations, safety or compliance responsibilities.
  • Personnel responsible for training and facilitating airside operational staff.
  • Anyone interested in a career in airport operations and/or safety.

Course Content

The Airside Safety Training course covers the following topics:

Airport Familiarisation

  • The main areas of a modern airport and the major components of each.
  • The different levels of access control applied to various areas of the airport.
  • The unique challenges of safety and security when working on the airside.

Safety Stakeholders, Roles and Responsibilities

  • The international, national and local organisations involved in airside safety and the various roles and responsibilities of each.
  • Individual responsibilities regarding Airside Safety.
  • The importance of Airside Security.

Airside Safety Elements

  • Safety within the context of an aerodrome.
  • Key safety terms.
  • Safety Management Systems and how they differ from traditional approaches to safety.
  • The four key strategies for dealing with safety risks.
  • The importance of safety reporting.

Airside Hazard Awareness

  • The importance of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Key hazards on the airside and how to protect yourself and work in a safe manner.


This course includes an integrated online assessment.

Candidates must successfully complete the assessment to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Course info

  • Language: English
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Level: Short Course
0 out of 5

$95.00 CAD